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People who value “FREE” don’t succeed
“I’ll have a grande vanilla latte and then pay for whatever he’s having”
Why I Believe In Revenue
I believe in revenue and profits for startups.
You need to quit living someone else’s dream
It was the year 2000. I graduated college and got a job. My mom was so proud. I worked for Microsoft. If was wasn’t going to be President or play Major League Baseball then the next best thing was to work for greatest software company in the world. And it was an amazing opportunity.
Selling out your kids for fun and profit
I’m blessed with two amazing kids. My oldest was a big motivation for me to quit my job and start KickoffLabs. I think they’re my bootstrapping secret weapon. They need to eat. Lets not even talk about diapors or college funds. Point being… kids are expensive and can’t live on Ramen Noodles.
I wish I’d thought of that. Operation Starbucks.
I should have thought of it first. I walked into Starbucks one afternoon. Ok. Ok. I do this every afternoon, but something was different this time. Something really neat was going on.
Where do you find the best advice?
I work at home alone so it’s not lip service to say that I have to go outside of the office to get the best advice.
Who is your most important customer?
Try before you buy life changes
A few years back I didn’t cycle, but had friends getting into it. They all had pretty expensive roadbikes and I felt encouraged to dive right in. But I needed to know if cycling would stick for me.
Daddy, can I cook breakfast with you?
I get lots of reminders why I work on KickoffLabs. Today I was about to head into my office when Gabe came down the stairs and said “Daddy, can I cook breakfast with you?”.

Learning in 2013
I already talked about my goal of learning to delegate and outsource more in 2013, but I have three other specific goals.