You like it hot don’t you? Why not come to Dallas in October for the In.Telligent conference? Sessions will range from social computing stratagies to education about the latest technologies. But really you’ll get to meet more people like you and share best practices that you can use to connect your community.
I’m looking forward to it because it will be my first opportunity to speak publicly in a long while. I’ll be delivering 2 talks. The 1st being…
Social Networking Strategies In Today’s E-to-E World
Strategies and goals are the important first step to the successful utilization of social computing. In this session, we’ll discuss critical planning and the understanding of how social computing fits into your overall business strategies.
and a talk that I’m viewing as Part 2 of the 1st one…
**Project Management of Community Initiatives
** You’ve purchased the software license and are ready to launch your social computing initiative . . . but where do you go from here? In this session, you’ll learn best practices on how to manage your social site project and launch on-time and on-budget.
Since I’ll have to start prepping soon (after we ship and shower) I’ll take any suggestion on questions you’d like answered through these talks.