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Create Retina Display Images in Mobile Web Themes and PhoneGap Apps

Looking at my iPhone 4 screen makes me wish all my screens had such high DPI.  Everything looks so crisp.  During the development of GoodDay I realized that the icons and images I’d used in my own app were not being rendered in high resolution.  I wanted to share how I addressed that and how you could address it with your own mobile web site/theme/app as well.   Basically the solution is to use divs and set specific sized background images for the high-DPI displays.

What’s new in GoodDay 1.1

Version 1.1 of Goodday was approved by Apple today. The first comment I heard was that it felt more “refined”.  That was essentially the goal of this release.  That’s really all you need to know, but the rest of the changes are documented in this post…

GoodDay Sells 100th Copy!

This means I’ve now earned $70 for Reading With Rover.

Skip the splash screen in your apps

Someone reported a “bug” in GoodDay that they “didn’t like the splash screen” I used:

What Do You Believe?

I believe there is value in the identification of ones beliefs. Knowing what you believe helps you find others that share your beliefs and it helps you crystalize what’s important to you in life. So here is portion of beliefs that have been cruising around my head lately.

First Review of GoodDay – 4 stars

Its always thrilling to get reviewed on ones work. I had been waiting for a while for this, but must have missed it showing up recently. It’s great validation of the direction I took. And since this is my one customer… And his requests align with what I’d like the app to be… Then he’ll be very happy when the next version comes out. Thanks Lumpy!

Building an iPhone App Part 4: Selling your App

Having only sold 60 copies of GoodDay you probably should seek advice outside of this post, but these are the things I learned in my app store process.

Building an iPhone app Part 3: 7 Dev Tips

This post is a collection of tips I learned while developing GoodDay for the iPhone with PhoneGap.

GoodDay Sells 51 Copies!

Since learning was my primary motivation I had a low sales total in mind. My assumption was that I’d get most of my ~15 closest friends to but it, around 20 people that have or do work with me would buy it, and then I’d sell another 10 copies or so to random people that somehow found it amongst 300,000 iPhone apps and *10,000 other daily task/goal tracking utilities. So that meant I guessed at 45 copies sold and set a stretch goal of 50. 🙂

Building an iPhone app Part 2: PhoneGap Tips

I picked PhoneGap mostly because I wanted to learn more about modern HTML, CSS, & jQuery. I viewed the cross platform capabilities as a side-benifit. In fact I have’t released a version yet for the other app stores. So here are some tips I learned while developing GoodDay.