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Get real with text when you wireframe
Yesterday I started creating mockups for a top secret project. I decided that I was not only going to mockup the UI, but that I was going to mock up real copy to go along with it and skip the fake text. Not content with simply banishing “lorem ipsum” I attempted to make the content as real as I could.
Do it on camera to increase your satisfaction
I highly recommend working on your next project like your being filmed for training. Better yet… actually record what you are doing and try sharing it. You’ll learn a TON and you’ll focus on fit and finish in ways you never thought about before.
GoodDay Lite Released – It’s Free!
Kevin Smith talks about his own “Start-Up” Experience
I wasn’t expecting entrepreneurial inspiration from the Adam Carolla show the other day. Just some laughs while I worked on the OneDayApp series. Depending on where you work it may not be safe, but there are good laughs and inspiration buried here.
GoodDay 1.2 Now Available with Sorting
Kale and sausage stew
Been getting random veggies from a local farm delivered and decided to make a stew out of the green kale.
Great Review of GoodDay I found because AppAnnie.com
It’s nearly impossible to see reviews as a developer of your app… especially when reviews come from international stores. So I recently wired up a service called appannie and it digs into all the stores to show your app ranking and reviews. I learned that GoodDay was the #1 app in Hungry in December for health and fitness. I also found this review…
Hire Josh Ledgard for Specifications, Analysis, Social, Training, & Mobile
Yup, I’m officially a free agent. I’m looking to take on a limited set of engagements with people or businesses that could use help developing social customer connection strategies, product feature specifications, market analysis, or developer/quality/program management team training.
Would you pay a premium for simple & flexible?
How I learned the Value of Meaningful Work
When you start a new job or formally meet new partners there are typically a round of introductions that may include the question “Tell everyone something about yourself that they wouldn’t know.” With the internet this has become a more challenging endeavor. Since I have no co-workers I figured I’d start re-introducing myself to the world on this blog. So, here is something just about everyone reading this didn’t know…