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TelliTip 9: Show full post content on the home page in Graffiti

Commence your slip-n-slide commute

This was the scene walking out the “The Hammer” at the theatre in Bellevue tonight.  After having to walk up the final hill to our house we went sledding. 

Time to leave networks on Facebook

I probably just noticed something that’s been going on for a while. I thought I’d check out the Seattle group on FB. It’s a 200k audience being fed daily spam like this:

The reason for your low click through rates

If you manage a community or sell ads online you’ll be shocked varying levels of quality found in ads submitted by advertisers to pitch your community.  You may then have then had a conversation with some of these advertisers about click through performance. 

TelliTip 8: Easily find an archived post for editing


Design the little things that stand out

imageGood products tend to pay attention to the little details. Not all the details, but enough to make you notice. Lately I’ve noticed that the list of supporters or fans or whatever you want to call them on Facebook pages seems to always show a few people that are in your social circle, or friends of people in your circle if needed. 

TelliTip 7: Create a Silverlight Powered Photo Gallery in Graffiti

ESPN Turns Off Ad Nets

On one hand ad networks offer publishers and networks the ability to simplify and hand over inventory, but on the other hand… online ad management is going in the direction of becoming a commodity that publishers will be less and less likely to pay a middle man for.  _ _Reading between the lines below it seems that it’s becoming an obvious question of “why should someone stand between my brand and money from advertisers when I’ve been managing TV ad sales myself for a long time.

TelliTip 6: Create a contact page

GraffitiSo you have your fancy new site almost ready, but you realize you want a way for people to contact you.  You need to build a contact form. 

Dan’s famous gretchen-wants-to-marry-this Chocolate Pudding

image Our friend from Philly, Dan, came over last week and made this outstanding bittersweet chocolate pudding that will make your wife want to leave you for chocolate. Recommended for anything from parties to apologies to simply celebrating the good times.