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TelliTip 25: Publish Featured Polls in Community Server

communityserverSo you like polling people huh? But you want some more attention for polls so you can collect more user data?  This tip will teach you how to publish a featured poll to the front page of the forums in CS 2008 using the forum post widget.


I don’t know why, but lately I’m a sucker for things like this…

TelliTip 24: Updating Community Server or Graffiti Mail Templates


The voice of your product or community

imageSomething that’s never really discussed in the visual age is the voice of your product or Community.  Words are just as important as important as the visual design and layout.  The language of your product educates, informs, and sets the tone of the environment for the user. 

TelliTip 23: Enable iTunes support for your RSS Feed in Community Server

communityserverScott likes to say we could spend an entire release cycle of Community Server simply improving the visibility of “hidden features” in CS. This is one of those hidden gems for users that want to publish podcasts to iTunes. 

Creating a New Breed of PMs at Telligent

Don’t tell my dev team’s but today is the first day I’ve felt like I could catch my breath since taking on the challenge of building up a Program Manager foundation at Telligent.  That means that it’s a good time to talk about what I’ve been working on as a way of looking back and thinking about improvements. 

TelliTip 22: Creating a QnA forum in Community Sever 2008

communityserverYou can create a forum that tracks answered thread status in CS 2008.  This is perfect for discussion areas designed for customers getting answers to their questions.  To create this experience for your users you’ll need to follow the steps below to first enable thread status tracking for the site & then creating a forum that takes advantage of this.

TelliTip 21: Migrate from dasBlog to GraffitiCMS with 1.1

GraffitiOne of the many improvements to make it’s way into Graffiti 1.1 is the support for migrating content from dasBlog into GraffitiCMS.  Omar posted about this the other day.

Developer wants to make money? No way!?!?

If you’ve been spammed by a Facebook app then chances are you’ve experienced one of the Slide applications.  Yes, these are the people behind Funwalls and SuperPokes.  Turns out that they aren’t seeing the ROI they’d like from these time wasters. 

Evolving the daily meeting

I don’t know what we’ll do when we have over 6 people per virtual team, but I have to agree with Dave. I’ve really enjoyed seeing the faces of the people I work with virtually.  If you work with remote teams I highly recommend checking out ooVoo!  We use it every day for our stand-up.