Because it is. If you write sloppy work items and specifications why would your developers write good code? Bad bug reports… these are fixes with regressions that are just waiting to be found. Poor requirements… these are just bad implementations waiting to be done. Code with too many bugs… poor QA pass…
As social creatures humans mirror behavior. What we see is what we do. If an employee sees low quality work all around them passed off as acceptable then what do they have to shoot for?
If you want to increase the quality of your companies deliverables you might consider looking at your own results first. There is no point in changing process, plans, or resources unless you can change your own behavior… because that’s the key to changing culture in general… seeding your world with great examples of what the ideal is.
Another way to look at this is to imaging if everything you wrote at work was going to be sent directly to your best customers. Would they still buy from you if they could look inside the sausage factory?
Would you rather buy something that was made here:
Or here?</p>
The power of change is not in the plan or the process, but in the execution.