A Parting Gift for Microsofties: Free Mocha

I realized that there were so many blog entries I hadn’t written about life at Microsoft. Of all the posts I had in mind I think this has to be the most important since it has to do with free caffine.  We all know that Microsoft has those swanky iCup machines from starbucks, but did you know you can make yourself a really good mocha as well as drip coffee?

Step One: Make a short “left side” coffee

Step Two: Make a short cocoa… I bet you know where this is going now.

Step Three: Combine cocoa and coffee to desired level of mocha-ness. I prefer to pour about 50% of the cocoa into the coffee since I like my mocha’s less sweet. 

And that’s my parting gift to anyone at Microsoft who hasn’t discovered this delicacy.